Teen Author Sherri Winston books President of the Whole Sixth Grade and Jada Sly Artist and Spy
Sherri Winston

Sherri Winston, teen author extraordinaire believes in empowering young African-American girls. If you’re a fan of the President of the Fifth and Six Grade Series, you will enjoy Jada Sly, Artist & Spy. Sherri has dedicated her life to writing positive books that black and brown pre-teen and teen girls can see themselves and someone to relate too. Enter the world of Jada a young spunky artist and spy in training. When the opportunity arises, Jada jumps into motion to stop several bad guys from taking over a part of New York City. If you have a young person looking for a great summer read this book is for that youngster. Ideal for grades 4th to 7th grade.

Author Sherri Winston books President of the Whole Sixth Grade and Jada Sly Artist and Spy

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