children’s author Charles R. Smith Jr
Charles R. Smith Jr

Noted children’s author Charles R. Smith Jr. has written numerous children’s books including poetry on and about African American pioneers and the African Diaspora. As a prequel to Black History Month, I am encouraging readers to pick 28 Days as an educational resource before Black History Month. This glimpse into African American and African Diaspora history provides an outstanding introduction to policies and procedures that shaped events in history for over 200 years. Mr. Smith Jr. has also written children’s books from Pre-K to high school. Twelve Rounds To Glory: The Story of Muhammad Ali and other trailblazing pioneers have won Mr. Smith Jr. the Coretta Scott-King Honor and a Sugarman Award in Children’s literature. I rate 28 Days 5 out of 5 stars.

Author Charles R. Smith  Book 28 Days